Welcome to  BitVault

Digital asset futures trading platform

Choose our world-class platform
BitVault is a Singapore-based cryptocurrency secondary market trading platform. The company was established in 2020. As of January 2022, BitVault has been successfully acquired by BIT

BIT is a comprehensive cryptocurrency exchange dedicated to providing trustworthy professional encryption services to all cryptocurrency investors, including individual users, institutional users and financial innovation users, including trading strategies, best price discovery and liquidity, etc, and strive to develop innovative financial products, improve the functionality of trading tools and provide a diverse range of cryptocurrencies for users to choose from


A comprehensive service platform dedicated to improving miners income

You can add liquidity to the fund pool, become a liquidity provider, and charge the exchange fee of the designated fund pool as income. You can also add leverage to increase your share of the fund pool, gain additional liquidity, and magnify your returns

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Futures field

Test your trading skills and compete with other users to earn points

Gain leverage, allowing you to enhance your ability to buy or sell without the risk of your account balance becoming negative In BitVault, seamlessly switch between futures and spot trading, so you can hedge futures in either direction price fluncuation

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Numbers speak for themselves

Sophisticated security measures protect your digital assets from risk

At BitVault, we have a global customer base, with clients from all over the world. Our platform is designed to be accessible to investors and traders from different countries, with multilingual support and a user-friendly interface

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Boost loan

Borrow in time

Our platform's Security Feature
At BitVault, we take security seriously. Our platform uses state-of-the-art encryption, multi-factor authentication, and real-time monitoring to protect your investments from cyber threats, ensuring that your funds are safe and secure


Designed for aspiring and professional crypto traders We provide a convenient and affordable way for all traders to buy and sell digital currencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Doge, etc. Whether you are new to this field or experienced, we will be in your entire Supporting you in transactions

BitVault is a full-service cryptocurrency exchange designed for professionals, offering advanced risk management and capital efficiency, with support for combined margin and unified margin

BitVault is committed to listing more popular tokens, providing advanced trading functions and innovative financial products. BIT is one of the top cryptocurrency options trading platforms, providing innovative USDT-based option trading pairs, including BTC, ETH, TON and other small currency options
BitVault offers a wide range of encryption products

- Cryptocurrency options trading
- Perpetual contract
- Spot Trading
- Instant exchange
- Financial management
- Automatic market making tools (RMM)
- Large transactions
BitVault treats security as a top priority and goes to great lengths to protect users' assets.

We have implemented strong measures at multiple levels to keep users and assets safe.

system security

BitVault uses 24-hour active risk control and passive risk monitoring. Proactive strategies include blacklisting suspicious accounts and limiting the frequency of withdrawals to detect illegal activity. Passive monitoring is used to track abnormal logins and transactions.

Advanced user protection

Deploy password change freezing and large withdrawal request review mechanisms to protect user security.

Institutional grade hosting

BitVault cooperates with institutional-level third-party custody, such as Cactus Custody, Copper and Cobo Custody, to monitor and supervise the platform and implement third-party asset custody.

By implementing security awareness and measures in the overall operation of the platform and integrating and utilizing top technologies, BitVault is committed to providing users with a safe and reliable trading environment.

BitVault provides a secure, regulated environment for crypto options trading

Our innovative platform allows you to trade a range of crypto options, including BTC options, ETH options and other leveraged altcoin options, manage your own risk and take advantage of market volatility

As one of the top crypto options trading platforms, BitVault offers innovative USDT margin trading pairs and is the first crypto options exchange in the world to launch TON options, XRP options, ADA options, and LADYS options

Whether you are an experienced trader or new to the world of cryptocurrency, BitVault is the ideal platform for trading crypto options